
Showing posts from November, 2019

Myths and Facts Related to the Benefits of Drinking Warm Water

Consuming warm water is believed to bring more health benefits than drinking cold water. This claim can be true in certain cases and conditions. Check out the myths and facts related to the benefits of drinking warm water below. The body will lose fluids through perspiration during activities and exposure to heat. In addition, bodily fluids will come out through the discharge of urine and feces, as well as the steam that comes out each exhale and from the pores of the skin. Water consumption is needed to replace the fluid, so that the body's metabolism can continue to work smoothly. But are the benefits of drinking warm water really better than cold water? It's good to look at what are the myths and facts behind each of the assumptions that have circulated so far. Myth of the Benefits of Drinking Warm Water Now, regarding the following conditions actually can not be overcome by consuming warm water. What are the myths of the benefits of warm water in question? Cleanse th...

Endorphine Hormone Relievers Stress and Natural Pain Relievers

When sad or stressed, some people choose to be alone or do negative things to vent what they feel. In fact, in our body there is an endorphin hormone that can provide positive energy. It's just that the emergence of these hormones may need to be triggered. Endorphins are chemicals such as morphine that can be produced naturally by the body and have a role in helping to reduce pain when triggering positive feelings. The endorphin hormone is produced by the pituitary gland and the human central nervous system. Know the function of the hormone endorphins Aside from being an analgesic, which means reducing pain perception, endorphins can also act as sedatives. In addition, by increasing the amount of endorphins, it can function in reducing the adverse effects of stress and pain, releasing sexual hormones, increasing appetite and increasing the body's immune response. There are various ways to trigger endorphins, including eating certain foods. For example, eat chocolate or c...

Don't be surprised if your mouth feels bitter, this is the medical reason

The cause of the mouth feels bitter assortment. Starting from stomach acid that rises into the esophagus, consumption of drugs, to the side effects of cancer treatment that is chemotherapy. Talking about a mouth that feels bad, there are generally oral health disorders associated with it. In medical terms, this disorder is called dysgeusia. Symptoms that are usually complained of by people with dysgeusia are the mouth feels sour, bitter, or salty as touched by metal. Even for worse conditions, the mouth feels rancid or rotten. The human mouth has about ten thousand taste buds scattered on the tongue, palate, and esophagus which borders the throat. Each taste bud has sensory cell receptors to capture the taste in food or drink. These taste buds can capture the five main flavors, which are sweet, salty, sour, bitter, savory (umami). Consumption of drugs, hormonal changes, a person's level of health, and pregnancy, can be a cause of changes in taste in the mouth. Mouth tastes bit...

Why Pregnant Women Need Tetanus Vaccine

Tetanus Toxoid (TT) vaccine is safe given to pregnant women and has been studied to prevent neonatal tetanus infection in newborns, as well as prevent the risk of tetanus in the mother and fetus in the womb. Tetanus is a common disease in developing countries, can occur in babies born with unhygienic labor conditions or the mother does not get tetanus vaccination. Tetanus that occurs in newborns is called neonatal tetanus. Prevention of tetanus is important because tetanus infection can affect the nervous system and can be fatal if left untreated. Tetanus is a life-threatening disease. The cause is a poison from the bacterium Clostridium tetani. This bacterium is found in almost all types of soil, especially those containing manure. In addition, tetanus bacteria also exist in dust in the house, human and animal feces and rusty iron. Tetanus bacteria enter the body through open wounds. Although tetanus infections are more common to infect through deep wounds, such as from stab woun...

Heart Injury Can Impact Health

Heart injury is something that is difficult to anticipate and is a natural effect due to not being able to control feelings. If not managed or controlled properly, liver injury can affect health and turn into physical injury. The emergence of hurt can be interpreted as a sign of sincerity in something someone has or lives. Hurt can form when someone who is loved away, lost family members forever, divorce, unrequited love, failure to do something, or other problems in life. Effects of Liver Injuries on Physical Health Although it is not visible and is a non-physical event, it does not mean that the wound does not affect a person's body. Here are some of the negative effects that physical injury can have on your heart: Chest pain One of the bad effects of liver injury for health that may arise is chest pain. According to research, the location of the brain that is affected by the effects of heart feelings is the same as the location when someone is sick. When a person exper...